The ultimate and greatest power of knowledge known to man... used in a way that no one has seen before. It is only rewarded to the most knowledgeable and almighty human beings who live on earth.
'Hadley answers an a-level maths question by Miss Bolton'
Bartek, Thomas and Matyi: 'Wow Hadley... you have so much BRAIN KNOWLEDGE'
Someone who is great is extracting information out of others. There are two kinds of KVs -- i) who keeps the knoweldge to themselves and ii) who shares the acquired knowledge.
KVs that keeps the knowledge to themselves are harmful to the society.. They collect knowledge for selfish reasons and use it against the person they acquired the knowledge from. It's important to identify them and seal them in their coffins.
KVs that shares the knowledge with others are good. They are like robinhood but the knowledge. They acquire and release the knowledge for the betterment of the society. It's important to identify them and promote them to free more knowledge to the world
This podcaster is such a knowledge vampire. He knows how to suck the knowledge from the guests.
An organization where the employees sit in front of computers most of the day.
"Hey man, you look pasty and round. Anything wrong?"
"Yeah, I got a job working at a knowledge organization."
Knowledgity - someone or something that actively pursues greater knowledge with humility and compassion. The cycle repeats with the sharing of information indiscriminately to others who also give and receive with humility. The wealth of knowledge is never to be stored. Its true purpose is to be a part of making the world slightly better every time.
The words origins come from an amalgamation of 2 words , liquidity and knowledge.
Thank you for sharing your knowledgity.