Someone who has over 1.5tb of hentai in a homework folder and is very addicted to hentai.
Bro did you hear that johnny has over 2TB of hentai? He's a hentai lord!
What you say when you don't believe what you just heard, and are displeased by it as well. Can be used in place of smh to make your displeasure more known.
He still hasn't gotten a girlfriend? Dear lord, that's sad.
Lord Voldemort is a dark wizard. Who lead an army of death eaters, trolls, dementors, werewolves, and even vampires into two wizarding wars. Otherwise known as he who must not be named, killed Lilly and James Potter when looking to create the seventh horcrux. As well as trying to kill Harry Potter to complete the prophecy. In 1998 during the battle of Howarts, Lord Voldemort fought against Harry Potter, whom ricoched the elder wand and KILLED VOLDEMORT! 1926-1998
Lord Voldemort has returned. It is I Lord Voldemort, have you come to die.
Diana and her kik-ass save the world moves, like Chuck Norris
Diana was round-house kicked in the face by the NEENJAH lord causing quite a paradox.
The all-knowing king of science education.
Dr. Maki: "I'm not sure how to teach this concept to my class of 39 students." Schmadeke: "You better go and ask Lord Felker for assistance."
The meaning pertaining that of which a faggot loves dick too much that its all he talks about.
Nigga 1: Yo my dicks huge
someone who either looks like a butt, therefore bung lord, lord of the bungs. or someone who is a major asshole.
Jake- Hey little baby, you wanna get kicked?
Baby- Fuck you Bung Lord.
Serena Williams is a Bung Lord