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The only problem with mtv is that they dont play music as much as they used to and when they do its only so much of it. when i read about every one else complaining about how it sucks ass. well i have just one thing to say: If your so fuckin pissed off dont go crying or complaining about it try and actually to make a difference write to the network or something do a protest outside the Mtv studio. Dont just sit around bithching about how horrible it is.

by Rashal August 24, 2003

21๐Ÿ‘ 112๐Ÿ‘Ž


a corporation that literally started music television, that people will always seem to bitch about and then go off to watch. does hav stupid presenters etc tho.

watch mtv 2

person: i hate mtv so much cos all my friends do.
person 2: yeh i only watch mtv cos i hate it so much.

by j July 18, 2004

12๐Ÿ‘ 80๐Ÿ‘Ž


Not really that, does have some decent shows...most of the kids who attack it are themselves victims of the trend it produces.

"Good Charlotte rocks, MTV ruined them, same with Linkin Park!" -your average moron.

by mtv is cooler than you June 28, 2003

22๐Ÿ‘ 226๐Ÿ‘Ž


this channel that totally kicks ass and i dont care what anyone else says cuz its the hottest peice of shit out there, like o.m.f.g its so gangsterr and gay pride. totally hardcore g-g-g-g unit stuffs dudes and dudettes! anyone who doesnt think that this station is tha best is dumb and has no sense of class. forget you emo kids who think that MTV isnt da shitz yo. go get a life and some friends you losers..

"omg mtv is the shits yo"

by playa del seville October 4, 2005

20๐Ÿ‘ 227๐Ÿ‘Ž


one of my fav channels, that is being critized by 1)aging weenies who cant get over the fact that artists Run-DMC, Nirvana(r.i.p. Kurt), and GNR are no longer relvant, 2)teen losers who think they have such insight because they listen to ancient ass bands, 3)right-wing christians dont want want their kids to watch anything but Sesame Street 4)stupid frat boy meatheads, most of which probably watch mtv, all of which have a limited vocabulary beyond the words "gay", "fag", and "queer". If you assholes are so smart why dont you realize that just cause the channel is called MTV doesnt mean it has to be all about music? The name is just a name that reps youth culture. Music is meant to be heard you dipshits. If you want music so bad go to your local vintage shop and buy your damn Led Zepplin album. Who wants a channel all about music and nothing else? How lame. Like any channel, some of the shows are good: Real World(most of the seasons), Super Sweet 16(only season 1), Date My Mom, Room Raiders, one of my favs NEXT. Some are ok: My Own, Viva la Bam, Made. Some suck ass: Laguna Beach(preppy white bitches whining? no thanx), TRL(ive always hated), My Own(I changed my mind that show sucks). MTV is 4 teens, not for sad ppl trying to hang on to their teens who think their era was best. Note the word WAS. Your era of MTV is over. Deal with it.

p.s. to the dumbass who mentioned degrassi, thats a whole nother network idiot. And mtv should bring back Undressed! That show kicked ass.

idiot 1: mtv doesnt play the old Van Halen videos, what happened to GNR, why'd they cancel Beavis and Butthead?

Me:if u want music go buy a cd, or maybe even an ipod, who the hell cares about Van Halen and GNR,shows gotta end sometime, thats just how tv works. go buy it on dvd if ur that bummed. do u even know what an ipod and dvd is? Welcome to 2006 grandpa.

Idiot 2: all the kids at my school are such losers! They all watch mtv and dont listen to bands like Black Sabbath and Pink Floyd that came out over 30 yrs ago! What sheep.

Me: maybe the reason your an outcast is because your such a know-it-all little prick. And I know you got that Ramones t-shirt from Hot Topic, poser.

Idiot 3: mtv is a liberal wasteland corrupting our youth with their immoral values,cursing, sex, and scandalous fashion trends.

Me: dude...u are so repressed. Get fucked. And Fast.

Idiot 4: mtv is gay, emo queers, they show fags kissing, no headbanger music, fag, queer, gay, fag, queer, gay....

Me: u are a dumbass. I would never date a pig like u. *walks away in disgust*

by h8theh8rs September 11, 2006

20๐Ÿ‘ 232๐Ÿ‘Ž


The death of Top Of The Pops. LMAO.

Retard: "Ooh. TOTP is on!"
Other Guy: "Fuck that, you have MTV dude! & all of those classy spin off channels like The Box, The Hits & TMF!"

by Jack Brin March 1, 2007

3๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


a decent channel that plays mostly reality shows like real world and such. for those of you who think its made to brainwash kids then watch another channel. your too closed minded just cuz you think all they play on mtv is rap. they have all kinds of shit on the channel and its better than vh-1 where they have a bunch of washed up celebrities on a show talking about their childhood, and complain about the lives of celebrities still making million. people complaining about what they show on mtv, i would call you close-minded, but most of you are brainless anyway since you cant change the channel.

music television, yea maybe at 6 in the morning. lots of good shows though

by jizz-osh January 9, 2005

15๐Ÿ‘ 202๐Ÿ‘Ž