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Pullin a Marcus

When sum1 ruins the moment or fucks up the joke

Damn he pullin a Marcus

by Gm a sum I’m September 12, 2020

marcus perez

Marcus Perez is an insanely good beatboxer/viner. The beats that come from this guys mouth are unbelievable. Sadly, no one remembers him anymore:-(

Marcus Perez is the definition of beatbox

by #Gurllikeme September 9, 2020

Marcus Langlee

A really skinny tall guy with a square head. He is well known to be the guy who never eats his food and rather eat fast for some reason. He always talks about anime but the anime he is refrencing he has never watched. But not all Marcus Langlees are like this, this is just the most common. Marcus Langlee can also be used to describe a guy who always talks about anime and never watched or watched very little the anime he is refencing. The orignal Marcus Langlee is the first ever person to be Pickleberried as that "word" did not exsist before he was shot in the back of the head by his friends in roblox. Most Marcus Langlees are also very cringe and make you want to die, they also like to pay to win in games and irl things. A Yashar (which is a unfunny gay furry) would be asked by many people where Marcus Langlee is and most Yashars will get mad and make furry noises.

I saw a wild Marcus Langlee in my house trying to kill me today.

Please help me I wrote a essay about how Marcus Langlees are worse than Yashars and Marcus Langlee fans started chasing me.

by 123457890- May 3, 2023

Jordan Marcu

He is a dickless man

He surpised me with a Jordan Marcu

by fwinfepwqi October 15, 2021

Marcus Bird

The all time ultimate person known on the planet.
Hung like a horse similar to a normal Marcus, but slightly more power behind horse!

If you have a Marcus, you got yourself a Winner,
If you have a Marcus Bird, you will only soar in overall success.

"Your names Marcus Bird isn't it?"
*"How do you know?"
"We all know!"

"How good is Marcus Bird?"

by Mcus77 January 13, 2012

Mouthful of Marcus

A sexual act when a man ejaculates inside a woman's mouth then she redeposits the semen into the man's anus by blowing it inside.

Last night my girlfriend gave me a Mouthful of Marcus.

by D.v.W. September 21, 2010

marcus's mom

A woman who sells herself to provide for her mistakes

Everyone's used Marcus's mom

by MrbigD13232 February 6, 2017