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Martin Garrix

Pizza lover breaking a festival near to you.

I lost my mind during Martin Garrix' set, what a show !!

by Wedidit August 12, 2017

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Trey Martin

The most perverted man alive. Anyone with this name is by gods name a kid toucher.

β€œIs that Mr, Martin. God I pray he doesn’t touch my kid like he did to my friends son last week.” Man every Trey Martin is such a pervert.

by NoNoSquare69 December 27, 2019

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demitri martin

hillarious comedian with best poker face. mediocre guitar player, but has hella funny jokes

if i have to go up in a building, ill take the elevater instead of the escalator. because one time, i was riding the escalator, and i tripped, and i fell down the stairs for an hour and a half.

a month ago, i got a cactus, and a week later, it died. then i thought to myself, "damn, im less nurturing than a desert."

by Stefan Woo March 2, 2005

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Aston Martin

A superb automobile company. Ford has not "ruined" them in any way. However, Vanquishes are for poseurs who think spending thousands more for a car with a worse power-to-weight ratio than the DB9 and a horrid paddle-shifted manual is the good thing to do. Of course, your average 15-year-old doesn't know that. The DB9 can be had with a proper manual transmission or a smooth paddle-shifted/full-auto AUTOMATIC, weighs less, has the same 6.0-litre V12, costs less, and is objectively a purer GT than the Vanquish. Think about it, kids.

My roommate's old man might buy an Aston Martin DB9. Jesus god!

by The Rev. Eighty-Eight Fingers Butler November 1, 2004

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Composed of Louis - of French and Old German origin having named 18 kings and which meaning is "famous warrior" - and Martin - of Latin origin, meaning "dedicated to Mars" and which originates with the Roman war god, Mars.

In the expression "dedicated to Mars" - Mars being an euphemism for War - Louis-Martin's essence purport to the qualities of the mind and soul of a fierce conquerer, yet noble ruler.

My king, Louis-Martin is at the door of our kingdom! We're doooo*horrendous screaming of women and their child; graphic dismembering of all penises bearer*oomed!! oh no, oh my god, divine Louis-Martin, please spare my worthless life divine Louis-Martin!! wait what? is that a .. is that a beer? a huge and cold awesome fucking beer? for me? *cries of joy and complete submission for many incoming generations*

by WhereIsMarty February 5, 2010

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martin + osa

Clothing company owned by American Eagle. They sell clothes in a style stuck somewhere between JCrew, the Gap, Banana Republic, and department store crap. They are marketed to 25 to 35 year-olds (i.e. for those who grew up shopping for A&F and AE and now need to buy clothes to wear to jobs instead of keggers).

Jane: Is that shirt from American Eagle?
John: Hell no, it's from martin + osa. It looks AE, but is double the price!

by Johnnyy23 June 18, 2008

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Doc Martins

incorrect spelling of Dr. Marten's. Commonly used by posers who don't own a pair. If they did they would be the wrong size because they wouldn't be able to figure out the us - uk shoe size difference.

Duh! I cant spell Dr. Marten's. I spell it Doc Martins. But I can spell urbandictionary.com. Why are these shoes so loose?

by slipsheet March 11, 2006

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