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pecker nats

The collection of small tiny flying bugs "nats" after having intercourse with dirty women.

That bitch gave me pecker nats.

by CGB86 March 19, 2018

Bant nat Ban

Defined as becoming free. Mostly used in Korea. Made by Supreme C.S

U still think this is real? 아줌마?:)))

Wow! I finally became Bant nat Ban! I cannot believe it!

by RinggaDingDong June 26, 2018

bant nat ban

Defined as becoming Free. Mostly used in Korea, and it was made by SUPREME C.S

u get it now 아줌마?:))

I can’t believe I became Bant nat Ban! Unbelievable!!

by RinggaDingDong June 26, 2018

nat stereotype

A nat stereotype typically appears when a young teenage mexican girl of a brown skin color of some sort with bangs and eyeliner appears slightly emo, which here in the imperial valley, people would say she would look like nat first glance.

boy 1:"yo that girl kinda looks like nat"
boy 2: "thats a whole nat stereotype"

by lordgeeked October 3, 2023

Nat cap

The act of lying because you're too considerate.

I know you.... I know the truth..... no need to nat cap

by TheRealTeej August 4, 2021

Nat Cap

The act of lying because you are to considerate of others

Don't nat cap to save how I would truly feel.

by Teej502 August 9, 2021


It's a term that's commonly used by girl(s) that go by the name of Stevie when they're friendzoning someone. It can also be used when in need of attention because when you tell people (Nat) this phrase, they keep insisting to make you love them. Easy attention gain. Little do they know that they will never be loved. This sentence is known to be quite useful as it can get you out of multiple situations of trouble. For example, if you for some reason tell them accidentally that you love them and they ask you to repeat it, you can simply scream the sentence and you'll be out of the situation in the blink of an eye.

"hey Stevie, how does this shirt look on me?"

by jenniestevs January 10, 2018