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Huge fat ass that nobody likes

Oh no.. here comes Nicolas the fat cunt !

by Hihika jfkjd November 24, 2021


short hand for nicotine / cigarettes.

Can I bum a nico?

by dontfeardeath September 9, 2018


He has a fat juicy gorilla grip ussy gussy pussy

Have y'all seen Nico? The one with a fat juicy gorilla grip ussy gussy pussy

by nicotinenic November 23, 2021


A person that drinks whiteclaw for fun, and spends time with their cat way too much. Will post insta story everytime they drink whiteclaw

Omg, nico is posting on insta story again, he must be drunk on whiteclaw

by Ittybittycomunittity September 12, 2019


If you call someone a Nico it means you are complementing them on their toenails

Look at that Nico”

by Helloooooooooooo1234567890637 June 22, 2019

1👍 1👎


Hottest nigga on earth, gets tons of bitches, sips 2 much lean, amazing cs go skills and has a dick sized of a leg.

That nigga done fucked my bitch..
Dat nigga Nico.

by thanksGokuGod March 29, 2017


Smol emo cinnamon roll. Definitely gay. Has a horrible dark sense of humor. Knows where to hide the body.

Nico: Did you know that you can mix 1 cup of bleach and a tablespoon of rubbing alcohol to make chloroform?
Friend: What the actual fuck

by ✨ there's.kids.in.my.basement✨ January 30, 2022

3👍 1👎