Source Code

Floor suck

When someone spills their drink all over the floor at a party they have to suck as much of it up off of the ground as possible or face some other sort of punishment.

John: "Ohh shit Jessie just spilt his drink all over the floor. "
James: "He's gotta do the Floor suck."
Zeke: "FLOOOOOOR SUCK!!!!!!"
Jessie: "oh fuck..."

*jessie sucks floor*

by Trestarke February 27, 2017

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the floor general

someone who is insanely sick (good) at chinese poker; is able to pull out of tight situations by whipping out hands that an average player would not have expected to have seen

that asian kid that i know, he's a floor general

by the floor general June 25, 2005

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Dropped on the floor

Dropped on the floor means, that you are stupid. Commonly used as a question, when you point out someone who is stupid.

"Where you dropped on the floor as a child?"

"DId your parents drop you on the floor?"

by Brother Kludex September 14, 2018

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floor pill

A pill found on the floor at a rave, ravers can be a bit spacktarded and they occasionally drop pills and it's too busy to pick them up again so on a rather busy night you can often spot a few around the place.

Floor pills are both grotty and have mystery contents so are ill advised.

person A: dude here have a pill
person B: no way am I touching that, it's a floor pill you hobo.
person A: whatever
*person A necks the pill
Two hours later person A died of super bad AIDS.

by anonymous coward #2 November 19, 2007

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4th Floor

The coolest free online literary journal in New Zealand.

Go to 4th Floor Online Journal to get your literary fix. 4thfloorjournal.co.nz

by MRH July 18, 2019

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Third Floor

Used to describe someone weighing in surplus of three-hundred pounds

Q: How much do you suppose tank weighs?

A: He's on the Third Floor

by Greakan October 13, 2008

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spaghetti on the floor

When a little b*tch named fucking Robert makes you mad and you throw your spaghetti on the floor. That’s it, the end

I threw my spaghetti on the floor cuz of u

by Madidrapps July 10, 2019

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