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when someone acts in a “penis manner

babe, stop being a peen!

by mennymenny February 16, 2022


peeepeee hahshabaab

damn bro u have a nice peen

by marslolz January 28, 2021


The back of a hammer that’s used in metal work

“Wow nice peen
“I know I need a good peen for making a sword and there is nothing sexual about this”

by Man I’m a dude October 16, 2018


A word used for a short person with blonde hair, or their offspring

That farm boy really is a peen

by PEENLING42 May 31, 2019


Another word For “Penis” or “Dick”
It originated from the word Peenal Meaning “Penis in DAT THICC ASS

Person 1: He’s so hot.
Person 2: He probably has a big peen.

by Meawium Meawsphere June 17, 2019


A word for Juul

Guy 1: Yo bro, pass the peen. I need some rips.
Guy 2: Fuck off, I only got a corner left of my peen dawg.

by TheYungSack June 3, 2019


Putting your cum back in

I lost my gooning streak but I peened so it’s ok

by Mr Dawg12 March 3, 2024