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MSI Pure Love

According to the latest definition By Sir M.S Ikhlas, pure relationship is a lovey dovey romance interaction between 2 straight human being of opposite gender without involving sex outside marriage

"This romance show sucks"
"Whats wrong? Seeth more"
"Im just pissed off because how this show went

horny shit as the stories progress, totally lost its MSI Pure Love"
"Ni99er, they got different culture"
"Fuck off, tongue my ass, jojo globohomo"

by MSI_m1903 April 25, 2022

Pure wet willy

When someone is asleep, you wake that person up by licking the person directly in his/her's ear

One student gave a pure wet willy to a student in class sleeping in first period, the whole class was feeling hilarious

by D money509 April 22, 2015

Pure vanilla cookie

He's a healer, He's and ancient hero, and he is NOT THE FATHER OF CUSTARD III, and he liked white lily cookie

Pure vanilla cookie still has feelings for white lily cookie

by Stupidmodels April 10, 2023

1000% Pure Man

The most amazing man on Earth. Usually compared to Chuck Norris in stature. Can be found(only if he wants u to) on call for Jesus. The man the whore spoke of in the bible(Ezekial 23:20). Made up the best word ever(allowed it's use in the big bang theory): Bazinga!!! Side note: big bang is what happens whenever Caleb has sex. No need for condoms because he is so large that by the end of mastication there is nothing left of the female reproductive system. What is left however, scientists refer to as a "black hole." You are The Caleb Anderson!

They once tried to make a 1000% Pure Man(The Caleb Anderson) toilet paper, it failed miserably however because The Caleb Anderson doesn't take any crap.

The Caleb Anderson was once a paper boy... There were no survivors.

The Caleb Anderson destroyed the periodic table, because Chuck Norris only recognizes the element of surprise.

The Caleb Anderson can touch MC Hammer.

The Caleb Anderson will never have a heart attack. His heart isn't nearly foolish enough to attack him.

The Caleb Anderson doesnt wear a watch. HE decides what time it is.

The Caleb Anderson ordered a Big Mac at Burger King, and got one.

The Caleb Anderson played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun and won.

by Mason Sanders June 3, 2010

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Pure Pain

My Ranga Tank guns to your face = Pure Pain

You took my poptop -.-

This is the meaning of Pure Pain. BOOM TO THE FACE!!

by Ranga Tank September 27, 2011

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pure bred awesome

one who is born being awesome,they are smart,talented,beautiful,people love them,they can get any member of the oppiside sex anytime,anywhere.

hey,steve,that sucks that you dint win the lotery,but the good news is im a pure bred awesome

by donkeyfish5 January 9, 2011

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pure laine

French for "pure wool" used to describe French-Canadians in Quebec who can trace their ancestry back to the orignal settlers of New France.

Allophones and other immigrants in Quebec resent the pure laine culture.

by Bill the Cat May 6, 2008

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