When the Russian president, "Vladimir Putin" uses the N word, referring to the word, "Nuclear". It is commonly used by the president and is invoked to strike fear upon opposing leaders.
Trump: "Putin uses the N word, he uses the N word all the time."
What you say to someone when they are acting like a total dunce online, so you say this just to get the best out of them.
Person 1: You're the type of person who would wear 2 circles on their chest in ROBLOX and say that this game is 13+
Person 2: why do you praise Putin + ratio + cope
What you say to a toxic person online when they act like they praise Putin, the cause of the chaos in Ukraine.
Person 1: You're the type of person who would shit from their mouth and pee from their asshole
Person 2: why do you praise Putin + ratio + didn't ask
Someone who cowardly provokes or calls for an attack against an unwilling participant but left with the only option of defending itself.
Man, this bully at school is a total Putin-Nanny! He only picks fights he starts with a sucker punch against the smaller kids in the class hitting them when they're not looking. ,
A male “butterface”, a man with a good body but bad face
based on how Putin has a great body but a scary face and also sucks
Adam Driver? Yeah, that man has a Putin-bod.
A bold lie. A lie that is so obvious that a unborn fetus knows its a lie. It can also mean dumb and retarded. The lie is so bad that the person who is being told the lie knows it’s a lie and the liar knows that the person being told the lie knows it’s a lie. This word is based on the Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin who has spoken many lies.
Jenny: i separated from the friend group.
Patricia: why?
Jenny: Shelly is full of putinism.
To be stupid and lie. Retarded.
Teacher: Shelly! That is complete putinism!