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Tech On The Road

A person that makes hilarious comments that make no sense at any location, any time of day. This person is also very tech savvy, and can salvage, and make suprisingly good repairs to, any piece of technology. Any actions by Tech On the Road are known as teching.

The person is also often quite deft. A Common nickname for Tech On The Road is: "The Zap." The zap finishes all of his work and repairs at impressive speeds. He also finishes other things at very impressive speeds, the latter of which he is not particularly proud of. However, the excessive amounts of swag and tech-on-the-road-esque character is stand-alone very impressive and thus makes up for the above minor setback. The official tech-on the road apparel consists of smelly, overused dress shoes, a consequence of excessive teching, and a yellow burton jacket, the result of a clearance sale. This is one of tech-on-the-road's many costumes.

Common Nicknames for a tech on the road: The Toche, Brosha, the Zap, Joe.

Random: "Hey, why isn't excel giving me the line of best fit?"
Tech on the road: "Dude you have to click and do this *action*."
Random Observer: "AYOOOO, TECH ON THE ROADDD."
Tech on the road: "No problem, they call me the zap."
Random Observer 2: "Because he finishes so quickly!"
Random Observer 3: "Riiiighhhtttttttt!?!"

by Shotska April 27, 2011

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road heeze

gettin' head from your girlfriends or hoe or mom while driving your whip.

Brian:"Jeff Sack,why are you so tired son?"
Jeff Sack:" I just got road heeze from mum in da sackmobile."

Random Guy:"I wanna get road heeze from mum just like jeff sack did."
Guy In Truck:"I already have....."

by Jeff Sack May 18, 2008

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road terrorist

Person driving an SUV or other oversized vehicle with no regard to the safety of other motorists. They often engage in ludicrous behavior while commanding their pavement-travelling leviathons, including but not limited to (1)yakking on a cell phone (2)swerving in and out of lanes without using a turn signal (3)Playing with the onboard navigation system they don't have a clue how to use

I was almost run off the freeway by some damn road terrorist this morning.

by Eric October 29, 2003

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road hummer

performing oral sex on a male whose is driving.

Hank," Can I get a road hummer while driving to our vacation spot?"

Sarah, " I don't know. Aren't road hummers dangerous? Your supposed to be driving."

by humina121212 May 24, 2008

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road soldiers

Beers consumed behind the wheel of a vehicle. Preferably a 16 oz. High Life behind the wheel of an '74 Vista Cruiser.

Stop at the Hindu-Hut to pick up some road soldiers.

by shinebox March 15, 2003

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golf roading

To take a golf cart off roading into the woods or sand traps while playing a round of golf.

Jesse got kicked off the golf course because he drank too many beers and decided to go golf roading through the woods.

by Adam aka "Wojo" April 17, 2007

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road bobo

1. The act of recieving fellatio while operating a motorized vehicle

It's gonna be a long drive baby, you may now commence with the road bobo!

by Samhain_Knight February 24, 2005

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