Source Code

creme soda

Creme soda is the term used when a girl is trying to tell her friend that she has her period in front of a guy. (Usually used if the girl needs a pad//tampon)

Code Name for Period.

Girl #1 : Hey Lisa, I have a creme soda that's going to explode! Wanna come open it with me?
Girl #2 : Okay let's go.
Boy #1 : (confused)

by Teah February 14, 2006

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soda can

An ugly female.
An ugly female often seen with attractive females.
Often it is the case of when several girls are noticed, all are pretty and one is ugly. Comes from the image of a beautiful serene lake and the view is spoiled by a soda can that has been thrown in the water.

"That bitch ain't nothing but a soda can."

by Al May 10, 2006

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The SoDa NaTzi

A tacobell manager who acts like a Pyschopath when u steal soda from the Soda fountains @ tacobell

Similar to Seinfeld's soup Natzi

or The worlds best "off-host" HALO 2 player EVER

The Soda Natzi didnt allow me to steal soda from his taco bell today

DOOD the Soda NaTzi is Pro!!

by yankeez7823 March 1, 2007

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Scary soda

It’s when a gorilla pisses on a soda can which scares you

I was getting thirsty so I had a sip of soda than I realized it was scary soda

by Im slick Rick May 25, 2023

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Orn Soda

This is an Orange Soda but the further you head into the Southern parts of the United States, such as Florida, it becomes an "Orn Soda".

When you are standing in line at Mickey D's you will notice most African American's order a "Fish, tators, and a Orn Soda". Some time a grape soda if they have it....

by CableBob September 6, 2008

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Fruit Soda

Fruit soda is stereotypically something that only black people drink (or "drank") in place of fruit juices.

Coming from a black man, I know what's up.

Black man: Shorty, gimme a sip of that fruit soda.

His booty: That what??

Black man: Gimme that purple drank.

His booty: Oh, yeah fo sho.

by badonkadonkbecca March 8, 2009

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Cream Soda

Oringinated in pornos,
1: After butt sex when the cume oozes out it is called cream soda
2: After masterbating when u dont clean off your hands and keep beating it anyways the come will turn white and is called cream soda.

a: "Dude she drank the cream soda when we were done, so dont kiss her"
b: "And then he came out of the bathroom and wiped cream soda on my face"

by Dwayne July 3, 2004

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