STD Syndrome, stands for 'Suck That D!ck Syndrome' . Basically when you want to talk to someone and they decline by saying you have STD Syndrome, aka you a hoe! and I might end up sucking your dick..
A- Lets facetime.
B- Hell no! You got STD Syndrome! I don't wanna catch that shit.
When linda webster, esther byrne and Amy cowan belly flopped on you, you now have a spot on your unnameables😍😍
Linda webster is fat - linda webster esther byrne flop std
A female, or a effeminate man, that likes to be treated like a queen, that is a frequent flyer at the free clinic for her “re-check” for chlamydia, gonorrea, heroes, genital warts (HPV), .........
A: Britney called again, she’s got a drainage and a smell for the 3rd time this month. B: Tell her to come on in to the clinic for treatment. A: Good thing we’re crowning her as the “STD QUEEN” for the month since this is her second positive GC (Gonorrhea-Chlymidia) this week!!
November 12; a day dedicated to feeling grateful for those who have given a gift that keeps giving even after they've passed.
We celebrate Thank a Dead dude for an STD Day on November 12 each year.