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sad flower

A person belonging to a subset of hipster culture that clashed with emo culture, resulting in someone called a sad flower. You can find them in coffee shops that "no one knows about" wearing vintage clothing, typically with their shirt tucked in and has some sort of "troubled past" despite usually not being all that troubled. May also cause you to cringe.

Other signs someone is a sad flower include:

•Smoking cigarettes

•Greasy hair
•Loves long, artsy movies

•Artsy photography (usually accompanied by a photography Instagram account they hope will be discovered by someone. An agent? Their ex lover? Who knows.)
•Loves to talk about how much they hate their life
•Music taste falls somewhere between indie bands, old classics or 80's music, and punk rock
•Collects vinyl and frequently asks if you also collect vinyl
Fake deep poetry

Can't stick to one partner because they're "a troubled spirit" that needs to find themselves for the 50th time this week

"Oh my god, look Marcy, here comes Matt"

"Ugh he is such a sad flower, always talking about his troubled past and asking if we collect vinyl. I bet he's gonna wanna take pictures of us"

by Semiburntpopcorn August 24, 2018

enigmatic sadness

its a sort of sadness which is quite mysterious and puzzling but no matter how much you try to find out the reason for it, u fail

hey Blake why only I get surrounded by this enigmatic sadness every time~!!

by take.care December 15, 2012

Sad masti

when you have a masti time but with tears. (tears can be used as lube if needed)

Hey man, just had me a sad masti. shit was a real tear jerker

by October 5, 2021

Sad frosty

Best rapper alive

Sad frosty is sooo sick

by YVNG FROSTBITE September 7, 2018

11👍 2👎

sad trail

A large patch of hair that grows along the lower back above one's buttocks region.

Your sad trail tends to make others unhappy.

"Faisal and Akram marveled at the sight of Michael's sad trail in Dykstra's common bathroom. They became unhappy and urged him to wax."

by Michael Kashmoney December 9, 2007

27👍 8👎

sad face

Something bad went your way

Billy said, "sad face" as he lost the game.

by zack July 11, 2004

170👍 73👎

bum the sad

A shitstain, and by metaphor a racist.

His offensive remark revealed him to be just another bum the sad.

by Tabitha Catherine January 22, 2005

53👍 19👎