New Jersey Slang for salt- pepper- ketchup. The only proper way to enjoy a breakfast sandwich from the deli around the corner. Typically served along with a mild slab of grease and a box of orange juice or iced tea, and home fries.
Can I get a pork roll eggncheese with sa-pepekeche?
An answer to a question you aren’t bothered to answer
Question: “Hey what are you doing later?”
Response: “Min sa”
Veta, "snaží sa byť seksy" sa väčšinou spája s osobou, ktorá by najradšej kurvila 24/7 a prejebala celé sídlisko
A: "Škaredá kurva"
B: "Však ona sa snaží byť seksy"
A: "Nejako sa jej nedarí"
SAS X Lucy is a ship of LucyTheWolfSky and Superfoxy101.. A ship is a shing you put a name x name =>