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a misconception of the "new" trend.

for some reason, all of the little girls wanna be so "scene"

first of all, if you call yourself that---->you aready know you're a poser.

why so scene?

its a person who tries so hard to be different, who ends up being blamed that they are copying everbody else, when almost half of the population had to copy someone?

so what does that mean?

the world may NEVER KNOW


girl with awesome hair that everybody loves, and compliments.
and usually everything else isn't so awesome


lisa:"I wish I had bre's hair."
brooke:"yeah, I know, it's so scene!"

by I'm a female(: June 26, 2009


Scene people are pretty much are a happy version of emo without the cutting. Scene means to be in the 'scene' and its pretty much just a fashion statement, not a personality. Scene kids usually have clhoppy hair. most of the time its long but it can be short, and it usually has a lot of different colors in it. They wear childish clothes. Colors are usually pink, purple, green, blue, and sometimes black or grey. most people don't realize that scene kids dont hate everyone, they only hate fakes and posers. They usually can see right past someones skin and they can see who they really are. They wear either skinny jeans or flair jeans depending on how it 'looks with their shoes' and most of the time they wear converse or flats.

'Dude she looked so scene!'
"I know you could tell because her hair had crazy colors!'

by Ally :) December 30, 2010


1. a group of kids, or clique that hang together in a certain area
2. the stereotypical term used to describe teens with long crazy hair, and piercings

goths, emos, jocks, nerds, preps, gangstas, greasers, ext.
any group can be considered a scene

to be scene means to be a part of one of a group

by crobo July 8, 2009


well for one thing "scene" is not like most people describe it. Some people may be like the "douch bags" theyre said to be, but I am concidered "scene" or "emo" :/ and it's very insulting to me to read that "scene kids" think their better than everyone and all that shiz, yes i like dinosaurs so what?? I've been watching jurrasic park all my life! You saying i was a "scene kid" when i was 3?? xP Yeah that's right I wasn't. I looked like everyone, I acted a bit more shy but still. I'm super shy now. How does that make me a bitch or a slut or whore? Yes I've had sex..With ONE guy who I thought was the love of my life, I'm 17 that only happened this summer! I'm not friends with only "scene kids" I'm friends with preps and wangsters and people who don't even have a description!! Yes I make fun of preps sometimes but hey! They start it by calling me a little "emo" bitch! I don't understand it whatsoever.. So anyways, there's my point of view, if you disagree whatever, if you agree thanks :3

prep: stupid scene, emo bitch
me: wtf how am I emo or a bitch?!??? :S

by maryannerawwrs October 8, 2011


Scene kids can be broken down into three catogories:

scene-b's: The "b" stands for baby. These are scene kids who are new to the scene or who don't generally know what the fuck they are about. Unfortunatley most kids labled scene fall into this catogory. scene-b's dont understand why they wear girl pants and usually reply to insults about it with "i like how they feel" or someother lame excuse.

typ-scene: The "typ" stands for typical. typ-scene kids won't be as inclined to wear girl pants but those who do understand the point behind and wear them because girls like it or cuz pants are pants and who gives a fuck. a typ-scene kid usually plays an instrument of some sort but alot of times aren't very good. typ-scene kids have decent tastes in music. typ-scene kids usually wear tight band shirts girl pants or tight guy pants.

evo-scene: The "evo" stand for evolved. evo-scene kids are diffrent from standard scene kids and are looked up to. evo-scene kids have superb tastes in music and often listen to a wide spectrum. evo-scene kids don't wear girl pants instead they wear designer jeans or a trusty pair of anything low-rise; they still wear band shirts but only under their tight polo shirts. evo-scene kids usually can play an instrument and are fairly talented at doing such. they don't bother with most of the myspace bullshit and and scene drama. Some evo-scene kids might not even look scene at first but indeed they are. evo-scene kids are true scene kids and they act it.

scene-b's: "Hey did you guys go to the MCR show yesterday? man they are cool. I slit my wrists the other day after takeing 76 triple c's."

typ-scene "Hey did you guys go to the saosin show yesterday? they fucking rock live. Fuck i want to go get drunk and do some cocaine. then just fucking chill out and watch some movies while making out with some hot scene girls."

evo-scene "Hey did you guys go to the pinback show yesterday? that shit is so chill. We should go smoke some bud and chillax in my room, maybe go down to the skatepark in a bit."

by an evo-scene kid December 12, 2005

32๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


You basically look like everyone else.
You're a bitch who says "k" in almost every sentence.
You cut your hair every day, but cut it in different angles.
You wear clothes that have cartoons from your childhood on them.
You have atleast 3 colors on your eyes from your eyeshadow.

bleedingthroughmywristsintoyoursoul: dood; can i borrow yer dinosaur shirt?

mascaraQueenxCunt: mmmHellznoK'thnxBye.

by Neely O'Hara July 12, 2005

18๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


To have bangs, preferably oddly angled.

That girl has scene hair.

by scenegirl March 31, 2005

25๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž