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semen padang

To forcibly harvest someones semen against there will

Ben just semen padanged the doorline

by Jsloan October 2, 2017

Semen Syphoner

A person who sucks semen from balls and/or dick.

You know that girl Jenna? She's such a semen syphoner.

by Salliemae September 23, 2015


Booty semen is a substance where once a male nutted in a female the female then holds the semen in her anus till the semen and the poo merge into one. After the merging process completes the female then shits and out will come a watery white and brown substance known as "Booty-Semen"

person 1: hey i want to try something new tonight for sex
person 2 :what
person 1:I want to make booty-semen and we can drink it after
person 2:LETS DO IT

by moon muntasir munir January 13, 2019

semen swish

When you blow you're load in a woman. Nothing but pregnancy

Dude#1. Yo, i came inside her, now she's pregnant.
Dude#2 Nothing but pregnancy, semen swish.

by Swishsemen August 20, 2017

semen nachos

Tortilla chips surrounded by scrumptious semen. Most likely from your local gay male. They prove to make you immortal and can even help you penis press 420,000 pounds because it has 6,000,000 grams of protein.

Person 1: I’m fucking starving and I can’t get through this workout
Person 1: *dies from eating semen nachos*

by Bruhmomentous January 27, 2020

semen voice

Disease state characterized by raspy, high-pitched voice that usually occurs after a night of heavy drinking.

After drinking 12 beers last night, Larry had a raging case of semen voice and no one could understand what he was saying.

by cjbetti July 9, 2018

semen sight

When semen { from another's or yours penis} shoots into your eye causing the affected area to turn pink for a minimum of 5 days

Chase: hey angel
Angel: yeah?
Chase: me and christian were Netflix and chilling and he gave me semen sight
Angel: You're a faggot, you know that chase?
Chase: yeah....

by Yung.k.i. d October 22, 2015