You suck, no one likes you, now go outside you idiot.
Hey billy maybe you should shut up idiot Stop talking about fortnite
A comparison of proper behavior and typical behavior regarding calls on Line 2.
In this world, what we SHOULD do vs. what we DOO-doo are not always da same thing, especially if we happen to be seagulls, pets who have not been housebroken, etc.
Another way of stating that an individual or individuals should never have been born in the first place, if only to spare the rest of us from their idioticy. Can be used for any gender or amount of individuals.
He should have remained sperm. I blame his father for not pulling out.
example: get the fucking mug god damnit its a good mug you should really buy that mug
Nope. You deserve it you piece of shit.
Hym "Why should it not? There isn't an answer."
Thinking should be like a super computer fast
Thinking should be like a super computer fast
Welcome to the thing we are all doing... At this point in time we are experiencing...
Hym "The (Psychic) Dictatorship of 'the people you SHOULD be listening to'. It's one large Tu Quoque fallacy. You can see it everywhere. All over YouTube. They don't just arbitrate what you should think or how you should behave... They also dictate 'Who should or should not be listened to.' YOU NEED TO BE TOLD THAT BY YOUR BETTERS APPARENTLY!
Literally 98% of the YouTubers "Don't listen to THEM! You don't even have to listen to ME... But you SHOULD be listening to ME IN ABSTRACTION as someone who WOULD say the things I WOULD SAY to reinforce my ideological presuppositions!"
Hym "See that? ☝️ THAT right there is something to watch out for..."