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Pfizer Smile

A Pfizer Smile is a crooked smile or half smile. People who have Bell's Palsy or suffered a stroke often get paralyzed on half of there body or face and as a result can't smile completely. Whether people smile like this because they're half smiling or had a stroke or lime disease or have Bells Palsy it really doesn't matter, you just attribute it all to the Pfizer jab as a crude joke to the side affects of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines.

That guy Seth is really cute but what's up with the Pfizer Smile?

Yeah, he has Lime disease and it's affected the right side of his face.

by utardedcunt June 16, 2022

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smile fairy

n. fictitious being who bestows cute smiles on pretty womenfolk.


Hi Princess. Looks like you need a visit from the smile fairy.

He's not going to take my lips away and leave me a quarter under my pillow is he?

No! No! He takes frowns away.

And leaves money?

by gnostic1 August 2, 2011

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his smile

The thing you wake up every morning to see, and tell corny jokes for the reason you tickle him out of nowhere, what you wish to see every day you possibly can it leaves you wanting more it makes you feel like you can do anything and your the most amazing person ever because you made HIM SMILE

Girl1... What's that smile for
Girl2... I was just thinking about his smile it soooo sweet
Girl1... I totally understand

by Hallo582 January 14, 2018

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Smile .dk

a Danish duo that sung some Bemani classics like Butterfly

Smile .dk's fanbase is mostly in Japan.

by Bravely Folk December 16, 2003

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Midna Smile

A wide, evil grin resembling midna's evil grin from Twilight Princess

She looked at me with a MIDNA SMILE when i caught on that she was thinking something devious...

by The Hyper Ninja October 15, 2009

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Juliano smile

A big grin (without teeth showing) and with eyes semi-closed or all the way closed. Used to show complete satisfaction or happiness. Sometimes used when carrying a lobster.

I saw Cassie pulling around her pet lobster on a string yesterday. She had on the biggest Juliano smile. She must love that lobster a lot.

by Cassie-D July 11, 2008

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Baggers Smile

The act of farting when you think there is nobody around only to immediately discover there is someone else there and they DEFINITELY heard it.

Derived from the wry smile and quick glance away when you spot said other person.

Dropped a Baggers Smile in the office today, I didnโ€™t realise Nadine had come in and sat behind me. It was a loud one as well!

by CF Enterprises July 27, 2021