A baby conceived by the “unicorn” in a threesome
I’m a sparkle baby cause my mom got pregnant while being the unicorn in a polyamorous relationship with my dad and his wife
Describes something as pleasing or otherwise positive; preppy
-Your new dress is so sparkle sparkle!
-Your cat died? That's, uh... sparkle sparkle?
Sparkle sparkle is the noise it makes when you inhale drugs such as cocain and it makes you go to a magical place or just another name for cocain
Druggie:I’m gonna do cocain
Mr.fuckboy:sparkle sparkle
Eitan:I’m feeling sad right now about life
Eitan:the two girls I like don’t want to date me
Noam:I know what you need
Noam:sum of that sparkle sparkle
if edward cullen farted raspberries
“hey do you smell that raspberry sparkle?” “it’s just edward being edward”
Fitness Connection type of deal.
Can i be part of sparkle gang?
A turd after you've eaten or drank something with gold flakes or glitter in it.
Dude, you should've seen the coil that Dennis threw after drinking a bottle of Goldschlager. What a sparkle pony.
(1) Something you write on your wrist or use as a name to make people rethink your sexuality.
Did you see that gamer tag?
Well, the bitches name was SPARKLE PONY! TF?
-HA it me that way sometimes