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Sparkle baby

A baby conceived by the “unicorn” in a threesome

I’m a sparkle baby cause my mom got pregnant while being the unicorn in a polyamorous relationship with my dad and his wife

by Spklebb1 January 28, 2024

Sparkle Sparkle

Describes something as pleasing or otherwise positive; preppy

-Your new dress is so sparkle sparkle!
-Your cat died? That's, uh... sparkle sparkle?

by beesyes August 4, 2024

sparkle sparkle

Sparkle sparkle is the noise it makes when you inhale drugs such as cocain and it makes you go to a magical place or just another name for cocain

Druggie:I’m gonna do cocain

Mr.fuckboy:sparkle sparkle

Eitan:I’m feeling sad right now about life

Eitan:the two girls I like don’t want to date me

Noam:I know what you need

Noam:sum of that sparkle sparkle

by Anonymous Druggie August 4, 2019

raspberry sparkle

if edward cullen farted raspberries

“hey do you smell that raspberry sparkle?” “it’s just edward being edward”

by sparklingforian August 25, 2022

sparkle gang

Fitness Connection type of deal.

Can i be part of sparkle gang?

by SparkleGangOffical March 19, 2017

Sparkle pony

A turd after you've eaten or drank something with gold flakes or glitter in it.

Dude, you should've seen the coil that Dennis threw after drinking a bottle of Goldschlager. What a sparkle pony.

by CapitanSeaman June 6, 2024

Sparkle Pony

(1) Something you write on your wrist or use as a name to make people rethink your sexuality.


Did you see that gamer tag?
Well, the bitches name was SPARKLE PONY! TF?
-HA it me that way sometimes

by S[hell]by November 13, 2018