Source Code

cum statue

When a person gets cummed on from all directions and then stands still for long enough that the cum hardens and then they can't move, like a statue.

Janine passed out partway through the orgy. When she woke up, she was a total cum statue.

by LRockizzle April 7, 2016

metro status

When you don't have a car and must ride the Metro to get where you're going.

Q: Did you drive here?
A: Nah, tonight I'm on Metro Status.

by dc metro fan May 13, 2010

Statue of Limitations

The little-known "sister" statue of Lady Liberty, this monument is a testament to our legal-system's "escape hatch" loophole which allows wrongdoers to be let off the hook for anything other than super-violent/serious crimes if they can just lay low for two or six years.

Just as our most famous bronze monument in NYC harbor has attracted less-than-savory aliens over the centuries, our infamous Statue of Limitations is a magnet for foreign criminals on the lam.

by QuacksO July 12, 2018

Status Girl

A beautiful independent woman that has your back through anything and will always be honest with you.

They are very rare and very hard to find but if you do find one keep her because their the realest females you’ll ever meet in your life.

Term created by rapper Status Boy Shawn.

“Bro this girl been nothing but loyal to me and showed love to me she gotta be a Status girl”.

by -anonymous 23 September 3, 2019

status theif

A term used to describe a person who goes out of their way to steal your facebook status. These people normally claim that the status is either 'not yours' or 'posted before you can post it.'

Person 1: *on Facebook*"Money just changed everything"
Person 2:*on Facebook* "Money just changed everything"
Person 1: Dude! Stop being a status theif!
Person 2: It's technically not stealing if you put it on Facebook.

by MiserableDesperation July 20, 2010

status assassination

When an individual changes the status on a friends facebook account that has been left logged on and unattended. The status is usually something terribly embarrassing.

Before status assassination--"Jesse is going to the grocery store"

After status assassination--"Jesse wears women's underwear because its sexy and comfortable, luvs it!!!!!"

by bee-ri November 17, 2009

status dater

someone who will date another person only because of the type of job they have, the car they drive, how much they make, or what that person can do for them financially or socially

Ashley is a status dater because she only talks with him because he drives a nice car and gives her what she wants.

by Ashley O. April 2, 2008