the swedish card swipe is when an individual runs their tongue from the beginning of a persons buttcrack all the way from the back to the front and then right along the seam of the nutsack
oh yeah chupapi gimme that swedish card swipe
Verb: The act of using an electronic credit card reader attached to a phone to make a purchase or sale of narcotics while in a nightclub/event/festival/etc.
"Hang on, I gotta make a swipe in the club to pick up that Molly from one of my dealers."
"I need to find an ATM."
"No need, I can make a swipe at the club right now for what you want."
The Tinder for Gay Virgins who haven’t experienced the grab and shunt shite bite 3.0 that vacuum seals a 360 double hand twist schlop schlop fanny nunchuck cock swipe on you which makes them say what in the Fanta fizzling fuck is this abundance of absolute buttermilk bullshit.
After a good 3 pints, 4 shots and a group of very horny university virgins at the pub…
“Oi mate you tried ‘cock swipe’ yet? Heard it’s really good and you seem to be in just the right quarter life crisis to be on it”
“Ah shit nah I haven’t, lemme download it quick…”
*a few moments later*
“What in absolute buttermilk bananza of bastard bullshit is this abomination of areshole fuckery!?”
People who still use Facebook in 2022.
"Those meta swipes still posting fake news in the comment sections. Wish I never bought Grandma that laptop."
Using a credit/debit card instead of cash. Taken from Cha-Ching.
"Damn, I got no cash on me. Guess I'll have to Cha-Swipe it"
"Dude, don't Cha-Swipe at the shoe show, cuz you'll have nothing in your account once they're done with it."
A bum swipe is a maneuver, usually dared, in where the person involves has to rub their buttock as inconspiculously as possible against a designated member of the public, ideally without getting caught. As a game this is best performed in a busy public enviroment like a bar or a cinema.
Scott just bum swiped that police officer. Fuck sake whit a dong.
Maurice: Here Scott, I dare you to bum swipe the receptionist.
Derived from modern checkout readers, refers to whether one engaged in vaginal/anal intercourse (insert), fingering or manual manipulation (tap), or oral sex (swipe).
Brian - you and the Tinder girl - insert, tap, or swipe?