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Toilet Booking

Booking a reservation for the Toilet to avoid long lines,ruckus,hassle, etc.

Why is the line for the toilet so long? I should've done Toilet Booking so I could get a reservation.

by CreatorOfAllMemes September 2, 2016

Nude Book

A pornographic magazine typically with photographic images of naked ladies found new on the top shelf of newsagents managed by broad minded retailers or found second hand in waste ground. Phrase was mostly used by teenage boys in 1980s when speaking of said genre of magazine or also be used as a term to chastise their friends. The term is of Glaswegian origin and perhaps used exclusively in Scotland.

Hey you, ya nude book, what time is detention?
Hey geeza shot of that nude book that you found doon the park!

by Gholfer January 10, 2012

Book Sniffer

A title for those who love smelling paper chemicals. Some prefer the rustic nostalgia of old books while others prefer the newly manufactured editions. These people may or may not actually like the content of the books they’re sniffing but nonetheless, that’s not what matters. School textbooks and dictionaries are also game.

A Book Sniffer is basically someone who likes smelling books. Obviously.

Person A: *sees someone inhaling

paper fumes religiously next to them, walks away*

Person B: *still sniffing euphorically *

Person C: *starts sniffing a book about drug addicts*

Person B: “You get it!”

by BootyDunkaDunkDunk June 11, 2018

Book God

A slang term for a(teacher/guard/adult) at school who's caught the most niggas at a high school and has probably booked your homies.

Oh shit yall better fuck outa here book god is coming......

I hear book god caught 6 ppl juuling at once.......

by Anime is fucking gay 666 May 17, 2018

book blocked

When your friend is too busy reading their book to spend time with society. This includes anything from not leaving the house to not responding to a text.

"Hey can Max come to the party?" "No, he book blocked me."

by BookNerd9001 July 25, 2018

Book Hustler

An aggressive enterprising author that believes in a hypothesized ideology in order to benefit financially and publicly through the perception of reputation.

John Doe sells books that promote his belief that frogs evolve into horses. Because John Doe's claim hasn't been verified from an official consensus this makes John Doe a book hustler.

by Bigmelwalter June 25, 2016

Sex Booking

A term used to refer to people having a sexually intimate and explicit conversation over Facebook Chat.

We were sex booking all night, he so nasty! ;)

by myanda September 28, 2011