A way of saying a statement is TOTAL bs, and its non believable. This is based on the Twitch emote "kappa" and the meme "big chungus" with the addition of "maximus deluxe" to emphasize how unreal something sounds.
- Yo David, I just ate 30 billion burgers
- kappa chungus maximus deluxe you did
A fat boney person that does the glass
OMG he's definitely a chungus jitjit
His armspits remind me of a chungus jitjit
Tying 2 buttholes together and shitting in one another for days
You and a significant other (friend,family, or lover) Slart Chungus
its cock balls yes balls from big chungus
OH god thats so sussy chungus balls
you're a big big chungus fortnite
Funni rabbit and its fat lololol
YOOO its big chungus hes so fat LMAO
Our lord and savior who is the only holy being in existence he will save us if we awake him from his deep slumber by singing the his video game theme song everyday
(having sex) uh Big Chungus uh uh ah shit im gonna cum ohhhh BIIIGGGG CHHUUUNNNNGGUUSSS