Ant:who are soggy biscuit fc
Callum: a shit overrated team
Duski-"We should lowkey scout her to beanie fc"
HR-"Innit bwuv"
Arsenal Football Club is a club in Northern London, founded as Dial Square in October of 1886, as of September, 2023, they are the 3rd most successful Premier League club, having 13 Premier League titles, below Liverpool, and Manchester United. Their grounds are called “The Emirates”, due to Arsenal having a sponsorship deal with Emirates Airlines. Their top scorer is forward Thierry Henry, and their top assister is also Thierry Henry. Their current captain is Norwegian midfielder Martin Ødegard, and their current manager is Spanish manager Mikel Arteta.
Arsenal’s largest win was a 12-0 win as Woolwich Arsenal against Loughborough in the Second Division, on 12th March 1900.
Their largest loss was also against Loughborough, as they lost 8-0 on 10th December 1896, in the Second Division.
“My favourite Premier League club is Arsenal FC.”
FC Voința este un club neprofesionist de fotbal din Craiova, România. Acesta a apărut în anul 2019, fiind înființat de niște tineri liceeni de la Colegiul Național Frații Buzești 1. De la formarea sa, echipa a disputat numeroase meciuri importante pe stadionul Voința, astfel obținând recunoaștere locală. În prezent, clubul condus de Antonie Valentin este cel mai iubit club din istoria liceului, obținând, în numai un an, 3 trofee si dobândind titlul de cea mai bună echipă liceală din țară.1 Sloganul echipei este "În Buzești doar FC Voința".
Iubim clubul de fotbal FC Voința.
Limores FC is a 3-year-old football club, founded in 2021. A club that struggle greatly in the competition of football in all 5 divisions, only reaching Elite divison once. They have only a few trophies, no where near as many as Makers FC, their rival club. Limores FC is recognized by their bright green home kit and decent fans who travel with them on away days. The club has come a long way in a short time, although, due to a lot of inside complication from the board, lack consistency and toxicity, they are incapable of making it far in the sport. They consist of 10 main players, Krishina Hermida, the engine in midfield who only knows how to ask for the ball, but at least he knows what to do with it; Lapongo, a vital player when she's in form, but a cry baby when not; then you have Noelia Jimenez, a player who seldumly plays but is consistant; Chicken Cairns, transfered from the rivals Makers FC, the prolific striker who carries the team; you also have Mataleon, used to be the best player on the team, scoring goal after goal, but now replaced by the almighty Chicken Cairns; Ángel Villar, another quiet player but is ok when he wants to be; Corvus Clan, newly joined memeber who knows how to play but forgot he has fingers; then you have Marrerrito Martinez, straight up bad; Tito Villaseco, the icon of the team; Tay Wingston, best winger the game has ever seen.
Limores FC will never be a good as Makers FC