Parent who is woefully inadequate and ill-prepared for the duty of parenting for viable efficacy, and who, instead, liberally engages in the reproductive process for the sole purpose of ensuring that their progeny are made available for predatory activities, after the manner of domesticated hens and roosters...and human populations, who have historically experienced the collapse of their own societies, and now belong to another social organization, to which they have been forcibly associated, with hostile purpose.
The plate-feather parent viewed the son's emerging talent with a barely supressed anger, and so, used parental persuastion to induce the son to engage in a number of activities with the hope that the son would be brought to mortal ruin.
The most perfect thing to exist.
I wish to be just like Feather Standing Rock.
A large amount of illegal drugs.
I just got my flock-a-feathers!
lighten ones' load (ie: multi-propeller airplane reducing 'drag' with bad engine, by turning propeller sideways)
i'm going to feather my props and ditch that bitch
i'm going to feather my props and dump this greedy land yacht
To misrepresent your living conditions in order to impress the opposite sex. The act of completely cleaning, reorganizing, and redecorating your house/apartment in preparation for a lover's first impression.
Bro, you need to feather your nest before Jessica comes over the first time. She'll dumped you if she sees this place without at least a visit from a cleaning service and new sheets and towels.