Source Code

Colby Floyd

Red Hair and Red Beard

โ€œYeah man, that ginger is a regular Colby Floyd!โ€

by Dkgson August 17, 2023

Reverse George Floyd

When a thicc black girl sits on your face for 9 minutes while you yell "I can't breathe" in to her pusssy/ass.

Bro I hooked up with this thicc black bitch last night, her ass was so fat she reverse George floyd my ass

by TacoThief July 25, 2024

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lumi Pink Floyd

Something you write paragraphs about because you love it so much.

Person 1: "Hey, did you hear about that essay Person 3 wrote? It's all about their Lumi Pink Floyd!"
Person 2: "Yeah, I heard. I think I have a Lumi Pink Floyd for that same topic. They said everything I wanted to say about it in that essay!"

by arthropunk January 15, 2024

Lumi Pink Floyd

Something you write paragraphs about because you love it so much.

Person 1: "Hey, did you hear about that essay Person 3 wrote? It's all about their Lumi Pink Floyd!"
Person 2: "Yeah, I heard! I think I have a Lumi Pink Floyd for the same topic. That essay really said all the things I wanted to about it!"

by arthropunk January 15, 2024

Pink floyd lesbian

When a man's giving off lesbian vibes, but is in reality a straight/bi man who just has a above average attraction towards 90s/early 2000s rock

-Why do you call me gay?
-It's not that you are gay, you just give off pink floyd lesbian vibes bestie <3

by Null User April 1, 2024


Jumping in the void in a bedwars match

Omg Floyd is Floyding

by Thesecretguy123144456 February 4, 2022

The Floyd Effect

Short for "The George Floyd Effect". When a population has an extreme reaction to an isolated incident involving only a few people out of hundreds of millions of people, usually due to media focus and sensationalization.

After further research into the issue, I feel that the widespread protests and violence are yet another great example of The Floyd Effect.

by Josephine Hill June 1, 2022