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When a person with mental health issues is degraded, shamed and stigmatised because of their issues.

The term originates from the life of Frances Farmer.

Jacob got franced the other day. His parents sent him to a ward because he said he didn’t believe in God.’

by RevenFox July 4, 2022


Getting jumpscared and caught by France. Franced is caused by the French flag or a French Action.

You just got franced!

by Baltic._ October 18, 2024


Franced; a disease caused by interacting with a Fr*nch person.

"Ew, did you interact with a Fr*nch person? You look like you got "Franced"

by sluboncrack November 20, 2023

france fever

a type of fever in which causes patients to feel the temperature currently in France, no matter where in the world they may be . this disease is incureable.

look at little frenchy over there, i hope his france fever isn't too bad today

by francefevershomeboy November 25, 2021

frances claire

the combination of frances: a strong queen that has gone through a lot but ultimately gets back up again.

and claire: a loyal, funny, and beautiful girl. she'll always be there through thick and thin.

basically the most perfect girl you'll meet in your lifetime. never let her go. I know I won't.

she's such a frances claire, I love her!
omg.. that girl is a frances claire. I'm so lucky to have met her. I'll never let her go.

by meguminsdad November 25, 2021


Frances stalker is going to Stalk you and your Family and Friends until you a) leave the Country(doesn't always work) or b) you block her from everywhere. She may Follow you back home Or photograph you when you are talking to the Opposite sex and make stupid # that anoy everyone. If you ask her to stop (Never do. that) she is going to get even worst .

Pers1: This Girl is stalking me all the Time, do you know her ?
Pers2:Do you mean Frances , yeah she is never going to stop

by Kik L May 26, 2017


A scary country. Do NOT go there!

Person 1: "Hi! Do you want to go to France?"
Person 2: "HELL no!"

by stacyyyOwO October 30, 2023