Source Code

Hotdog Water

When a male gets aroused to the point of leaking pre-ejaculate.

β€œMan, those pics she hit me with earlier straight made my hotdog water.”

by NightFallInc June 25, 2020

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venezuelan hotdog

Like a titjob, but with the glutes and the corresponding posterior cleavage. Named after the Caribbean country's famed "perros con todo".

OMG Becky, look at her butt! She must hive one hell of a Venezuelan Hotdog

by CaptInsolito August 21, 2019

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end of a hotdog

of or pertaining to a cats asshole

"doesnt that cats asshole look like the end of a hotdog?"

by cock sucking machine December 8, 2008

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Hotdog Man

One who "sells" Ball Park Frank.

"Have you met the Hotdog Man and his friend Ball Park Frank?"

by Ryan Ryan Ryan August 2, 2006

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hotdog water

A vulgar comeback used by someone who is too butthurt to think of a real comeback. Often can be mistaken as #shots fired

Shut up kid, you smell like hotdog water.

by Prxphxcy November 30, 2015

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Hotdogs and Mushrooms

Totally insane saying, usually spouted off by barely english speaking illiterates.

"Uh oh, time to get the Hotdogs and Mushrooms!"

by criley October 8, 2004

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Alabama Hotdog

when a woman/man takes a piece of chalk or hard sand and inserts it into a mans dickhole

Jennifer gave me an an Alabama hotdog last night

by BHSDEERHUNTER March 6, 2017

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