you know those bitches that don't share any blood with you, but you're closer to than your blood relatives? yeah those. THAT'S the family that matters.
My besties Kellin and Kelly and Zach are my true family.
Love is not wanting to go anywhere without her. Love is not caring what other people think about the two of you. Love is when you feel depressed and sickly when you're not with her. You feel like your life has no meaning or purpose without her. And that if she wasn't holding your hand you would float away to heaven from where she came. Love is caring for her physically and emotionally. It's telling her everyday, anytime, anywhere, anyhow, for no just reason that you love her. Love is telling her u want to spend the rest of your life with her. Love is wanting to marry her even tho ya'll haven't been dating that long. That you would do anything and everything for her. It's the feeling that you would give up everything just to see her smile or look into her beautiful eyes or hear her soft, soothing voice. Love is pure happiness. Love is the feeling you get all you have to do is think of her and it brings a smile to your face and a to your heart. Love is not being able to think about nething but her. Love is having the sweetest dreams about her and waking up with a smile on ur face. Love is wanting to hold her in ur arms till the end of time. Love is wishing ur time with her never ends, that your lips would be locked together forever, that she'd be in ur arms till the end of time, that u could cuddle with her for all of eternity. Love is being helplessy and deeply in love with her and knowing your love for her and your feelings for her will never change no matter wat
For ex true love I love you with all my heart laylah you mean everything to me I would do anything for you to make you happy
Something that is hard to find in this cruel world.
Something that forms a family
Something that mothers and fathers should have for their children
Something that we all need
Mom: Sweety, as you grow older you will know that it is hard to find TRUE love some people love your body more than your personality.
child: you truly love me, right?
Mother: With all my heart
True love is when you can shit in front of them in the middle of the wilderness and then laugh about it. It's a feeling of wanting to be with them more and more and see yourself spending the rest of your life with them.
Andra is my true love.
true love is when you look at a person and think that they are who you have been waiting for your whole life almost like you cant even live without them bc you dont want to live without them they know how to make you happy. everytime you hug or hold hands or cuddle with them it feels as if your bodies fit perfectly together. true love of is when you could care less about what other people have to say about your relationship bc its with your person. true love is when you both fall apart and then find your way back to one another bc you just cant live without eachother true love is when you put there needs first and when you guys say youre never going to talk again but a couple days later you right back where you started bc it kills you to go even an hour without talking to them bc you know deep deep down thats your one person and that is what true love is
Love like no other, love that is unable to be matched 💕
Yunuen and Leonardo are true love💕❤️
When someone is trying to convince you of his words, but you know that he’s lying.
Yesterday i took a photo with Brad Pitt
- True much!