Something actually hazardous - dangerous and daring, yet unmet by the severity of the situation. Countering a risky and potentially death-inducing scenario with a comical and entertaining approach to the problem.
Hazard-ish events are always awesome to watch - danger and action combined!
something somewhat pertaining to british culture, such as accents, fashion, music, etc.
Dude, that guy's fake accent is British-ish
A backwoods hillbilly buying his first yuppie product or confirming to the yuppie life.
I bought my first YETI and now my friends at duck camp call me yuppie-ish.
Someone who is worthy of becoming a bae.
"Andy Samberg is so bae-ish I will literally die to meet him"
A person that is emo (new stereotypical meaning) or acts emo.
She is wearing black and cuts herself, that is like an emo. (Emo-ishness)
an attractive male who possesses many a desirable qualities including being: dangerously handsome, funny (in both the laugh with/ at manner), magically inclined (tah dah!), sweet in disposition, the inspiration for a rare, valuable, and desirable international currency, an absolute nerd, and muscular in stature/ jacked! Also those defined as pipe-ish may display the following characteristics: they have a highly addictive personality and should steer clear of games containing gambling, hexigons, and multi-coloured cubes, in addition they are considered quite adorable in the sense that they are easily adored and respected by all who are lucky enough to know them! :)
That tall male with the long hair (hahaha) is completely pipe-ish!
It's when someone is being rude and rude ; Only used when someone uses the word " Sure. " after replying to something you asked or said.
" Wanna go to the movies ? "
" Sure. "
" Why are you being so rude-ish? You chould of said sure or yeah, wow I can't you would say that to me. "