Source Code

gay salute

A peace sign usually held at an upsweeping angle in photos by a gay person not out to many. Can be shown palm in or palm out. Used as in-group code amongst the LGBT community.

Chris flashed the gay salute for a photo being emailed to some new friends in the community

by November 20, 2020

WaKaNdO sAlUtE

1. The worst emote
2. A highly illegal act in which someone exceeded the cringe limit of reality

Brk did you just WaKaNdO sAlUtE?

by Hoboblokin April 3, 2021

The slimy salute

The act of shaking hands with somebody while still having pussy juice on your fingers.

(1) - Offensive (intentionally)
(2) - Defensive (unintentionally)

The slimy salute is being defined in two ways:
(1) Since she always had an attitude towards me I decided to give Susans mother a slimy salute.
(2) Last night I couldn't clean up my hands in time so I had to give Susans dad a slimy salute.

by bighadron August 5, 2017

boot salute

Kicking someone in the face or head while wearing boots.

Oh, man, I got boot saluted in that mosh pit a few times.

by Bill Smells October 13, 2014

Latte Salute

A half-assed version of a trivial daily ritual because fuck it there's more important stuff going on.

I gave Fred a latte salute on the way past his cubicle because I was late for a meeting

by truehoax September 29, 2014

Paternoster salutation

To pay a rent boy to shit on one’s chest

Greetings, allow me to show you a paternoster salutation

by June 30, 2023

hot salute

When a bro orders a bitch(has to be a 7.5+/10) to fuck you as a reward for a favor you have done for him.

Dude i hooked Trever and his bitches up with a few bottles last night and got a hot salute out of it.

by DaHardWare February 24, 2016