going through songs on ones ipod or mp3 player listening to the beginnings of songs, or skipping them altogether, because you've heard all your songs before many times, and you want something new
crap man, i need some new songs, i'm constantly song surfing
Having more than one or multiple favorite songs.
I’m a song thot girl, I got like 70 favorite songs.
The feeling you get when you can't stop humming along to a catchy song, but you can't recall the name of the song .
Me : Dam it! I've had that theme song stuck in my head all day. What is it?!?
Friend: Oh man , those lil song bugs are the worst.
dededededendededendedede duck dododododo pApDaTo nanannannnnanannannnannnananananannnnannanannanannnnanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
dis funny song will make u laugh
A random jingle, tune, carol, song, anthem, ballad, or shanty made while intoxicated by drugs or alcohol.
"Man Colin was messed up on hash at the party last night, he made up this crazy Bong Song." "Hashish, Hashish, it's illegal but I love it!"
The act of exploring a variety of music on Spotify, iTunes, Pandora etc to develop or add to your current playlist.
We were song mining Spotify for new songs to add to our playlist.
I found this tune while song mining on Pandora.
whats the greatest kind of knot that u can tie with ease its useful and its happy and it suits ur every need well im about to tell u but first i have to note that u never should ever consider putting a rope around ur throat so lets learn how to tie a noose its practical for every use all u need is a piece of rope and to never give up hope u make a loop and the snek goes down but changes its mind and turns around and climbs back up to the top again this is where the fun begins u take the snek and spiral down and at the bottom what has he found the snek goes into the rabbits hole then u give the top a pull never consider self abuse this is how to tie a noose theres a hundred uses for the hangmans knot that have nothing to do with kys never forget u can make a stylish belt to hold up ur pants u could tie them to ur wrists and do a hangmans dance u could tie ur shoes or u could make bananas fly u could stir a mixture hang a picture anything u try so lets learn how to tie a noose its practical for every use all u need is a piece of rope and to never give up hope never consider self abuse this is how u tie a noose
noose song
whats the greatest kind of knot that u can tie with ease its useful and its happy and it suits ur every need well im about to tell u but first i have to note that u never should ever consider putting a rope around ur throat so lets learn how to tie a noose its practical for every use all u need is a piece of rope and to never give up hope u make a loop and the snek goes down but changes its mind and turns around and climbs back up to the top again this is where the fun begins u take the snek and spiral down and at the bottom what has he found the snek goes into the rabbits hole then u give the top a pull never consider self abuse this is how to tie a noose theres a hundred uses for the hangmans knot that have nothing to do with kys never forget u can make a stylish belt to hold up ur pants u could tie them to ur wrists and do a hangmans dance u could tie ur shoes or u could make bananas fly u could stir a mixture hang a picture anything u try so lets learn how to tie a noose its practical for every use all u need is a piece of rope and to never give up hope never consider self abuse this is how u tie a noose