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windows 1.01

The greatest version of Windows ever, because it was the first one to ever exist for the general public.

Released on November 20, 1985, Windows 1.01 does not even require a hard disk to function, something you rarely see in modern versions of Windows.

Windows 10 User: What version of windows is this?
Retro user: Windows 1.01.
Windows 10 User: Windows 10.1? What??
Retro user: This is Windows 1.01 from 1985.

by kevindong October 14, 2017


The act of resizing e-mail and chat windows to the smallest size readable, limiting visibility to bosses and co-workers, in an attempt to conceal being lazy, slack, or unproductive.

Mike was caught reading his personal emails, so now resorts to micro-windowing.

by Brentobox88 November 30, 2009


To minimize your computer browser window in order to avoid unwanted attention from your bosses.

Mikes you better not be micro-windowing!

by Whitey4656 November 27, 2009

window seat

Job title given to one who has screwed up badly in business, but not enough to warrant the golden parachute, yet too risky to leave to their own devices.

"Do you hear about Jennings? They gave him a window seat."

by Phaad1 April 4, 2017

Windows Snake

What happens when your PC is becoming slow and when you move the window it leaves a trail of clones. You eventually start waving it around making a snake like trail across the screen.

Damn my screen Is being spammed by Windows Snakes!

Well maybe you should use the tabs on internet explorer instead of opening a new window every time...

by 3217 June 18, 2010

screw it window

The point at which sleeps eludes a person and they decide to stay up all night via some caffeinated means.

Steve, at 11pm: "I have to be up to make a flight in five hours."
Mike: "Anything inside of six hours, I say screw it and put on a pot of coffee."
Steve: "I get 5-7 hours of sleep a night, so my screw it window is 4 hours."

by DevilMike November 26, 2008

Window of Neglect

(idiom) -the digital preview or buffer of any form of realtime direct communication to an individual that gives them advanced knowledge of digital message without tripping any evidence (i.e. read receipts)that would prove the message was read by the receiving party, with this advanced info one can choose to either acknowledge and answer the text or blatantly ignore and deny that you were even aware of it existence thus free of blame.

-Technologically created space between a person and a digital message allowing the individual to side step its acknowledgement avoiding accountability by way of ignorance.

"The window of neglect will surely lead you to the hall of empty promises."

by DEADMEAT September 2, 2020