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flick them lights

playing with someones nipples.

Hey baby, let me flick them lights

by hippiedruggie March 1, 2011

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

pipe them briefs

To have sex with someone. (Usually not used in the presence of the person it refers to)

So, did you pipe them briefs last night?

by DJ Conan December 5, 2003

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

drill them cheeks

Another word for eatin ass like groceries

"Yo lemme come over your house and drill them cheeks"

by KIng.seth12 March 11, 2016

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

flippin them birds

f*@!in' them b!tchs

to my hommies who be flippin them birds

by Ballin in BA! February 6, 2003

11πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

put them paws on him

To beat someone up.

When Scrappy found out Stevie J called his baby mama a bitch he wanted to put them paws on him. (Love & Hip Hop Atlanta)

by Ms Bridget August 15, 2012

45πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Let them eat cake

It's to show either that you don't care if people are in the shit, or how they get out of it.

It can also be used to show that you don’t understand much about people’s shitty situation.

Both meanings can be used together, to mean that you don’t understand much about their shitty situation, you don’t care to understand it, and you don’t care how they get out of it either.

Where this came from:

A French writer called Rousseau wrote that a great princess once said, more or less, that if you have no bread, there's always cake instead.

When she says "cake", don't think birthday cake. Think pastries and cakes that come in squares that you can slice, which a basically just sweet bread.

Think of a posh French princess in a carriage that's going through peasant land in order to get to the castle. They have to stop for a minute, so the peasants start to approach, carrying bread baskets. The princess asks what they want. She's told they need bread, because they don't have any. And this is where she says the line. But you can interpret it in several ways:

1. She's never seen poor people before, and she's ditzy:

"Well, what I would do is just have cake instead, so why don't they just do that?"

2. She's never seen poor people before, and she doesn't care (whilst applying makeup):

"Oh well. Can't they just have cake instead?"

3. She knows they are poor, and she's being a complete bitch, almost making a joke (staring out the window):

"Oh well, there's always cake."

The insurance companies will suffer? Good. Let them eat cake.

Profits are down? Well, err... Let them eat cake?

by ExpertContributor February 6, 2018

167πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Knock Them Ankles Loose

Coined by the YouTuber Tpindell. It means to have sex with another woman. She will have her feet up in the air and while you are raming her with your rock hard cock her ankles will move side to side like they are loose.

Yo baby girl you know I love you and everything. I just want to be your friend but on a side note can I knock them ankles loose.

by PBandJ January 2, 2016

158πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž