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An old man with a small willy.

wow he really does have a thomas

by Big daddy dman February 2, 2018

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A white rich Fuckboy who is normally sexually harassing girls and is a big old dumb guck

Thomas is a dick!

by Isjehdj December 3, 2017

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A blue train that is probably {Jewish}.

Hey Thomas, what doin?

by hโ™กe June 4, 2019

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Gay guy being a dousche canoe while putting peanut butter on his butthole and letting an orgy of gay dogs lick it off

Jack was being a real Thomas last night!

by Bambam6363 February 19, 2018

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Eats Ass the best is the best boyfriend you could ever wish for and will love you till the end of time

โ€œThomas is the bestโ€

by Tommyh05 April 2, 2018

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A Wack ass nigga who gets beat up by everyone

Thomas is such a cunt

by Bigman1982 October 25, 2018

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Very spacey and easily distracted. Doesnโ€™t always know whatโ€™s going on the bed tries to help in anyway he can. Always trying to get in the relationship to feel liked, but ends up getting Friend-Zoned. Whenever heโ€™s feeling hurt or sad he tries to hide it with humor, Thomas feels everything even though it seems that heโ€™s laughing he is actually crying on the inside.

Try not to underestimate thomas because although he is spacey and somewhat delusional at times he is still a human being and can feel things to.

Guy1-โ€œThomas has know idea what heck is going onโ€

Guy2-โ€œMaybye he already knows and is trying to laugh it off?โ€

by Shfssxf March 20, 2018

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