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Timmy Brown

Very dumb and annoying and very ugly

That kid Timmy Brown is so gay

by Bbc man69 November 14, 2021

timmy topper

Timmy Topper is a pronoun used to designate your annoying friend that always one ups your story regardless if their story is true or not.

Rachel says to Joey Monica is such a timmy topper. I was talking to chandler about how i saved 10 dollars on my shoes and then Monica comes in and say s she saved twenty dollars. Whatva cunt.

by Ohan33 September 28, 2015

Little Timmy

Slang used to make fun of children and or children pretending to be community veterans

Robloxlover2016: "I miss 2007 minecraft so much"
Other guy on internet: "Minecraft wasnt even out at that time little timmy"

by the peesack January 15, 2024

Little Timmy

Little Timmy is a joke that has to do with something bad that it looks like a kid made it, like for example. A bad song that sounds like a little kid made it. Little Timmy is used a term refering to stuff that looks like a little kid made.

This soundcloud song is so trash. It has to be made by some little timmy on his ipad

by kubadep9 July 5, 2023

Little Timmy

The Guinea pig of yt shorts and the brother of Little Johnny

…And the teacher a trump fan asked Little Timmy “if your dad was a moron and your mom was an idiot then what would you be?” Little Timmy: “a trump fan”

by -SiiRius- December 29, 2023

Little Timmy

an occupationally obese, prepubescent or early teen, who acts edgy online, most likely because his mommy didn't make him pizza rolls for lunch

Online comment: KYS Jew

Reply: uh oh! Sounds like Little Timmy (or Jimmy) stayed up passed his bedtime!

by Dr. Ough May 30, 2024

Little timmy

A little timmy is a term manly from Mario maker 2 who makes bad levels usually with enemy spam

no a Little timmy level

by idot tiimmy what March 30, 2022