Any nonphysical disease that is spread by people saying meaningless and inoffensive things.
This guy is spreading his verbally transmitted disease to everyone!
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Related to term "Buckminsterfullerene":
"This is a word that can be used to confuse other people, or distract them. Also has hilarious results when used in conversation to replace a noun."
Great way to fuck with people. Be careful with fat girls and republicans, young grasshopper. How do you conquer what is already worthless and useless?
See also loatharz.
Biff, while eating a tasty BLT: "I just learned that my mom has end stage renal disease and won't survive without a transplant."
Hungry Doug: "Baltimore these days is all chicken shacks and hair weavers." (Doug steals Biff's BLT while Biff is WTFing)
fat girl: "If you're not busy this weekend, we should have drinks."
verbal ninja: "Baked beans in my ass, trailer mustard in my crotch."
fat girl: "Yum! Pick you up at 8!"
(ninja verbal assault failed)
Republican fuck: "George W. Bush is fantastic."
verbal ninja: (head collapses in on itself at the utterance of such fucking nonsense. The warrior is bested. All your bases are belong to us.)
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1)Subliminal Morse from the bones clicking in the ear either brain to brain or Atmospheric
2)Secret language inherent to the white females and minority males
Using Wiccan and black magic Non Verbal Communication--They can talk without being heard
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An item that many people need to slow the random stuff that comes spilling out of their mouth, giving them time to consider if it really should be said at all.
Joe's lack of a verbal speed bump has cost him many friends.
1. An innocuous comment made during conversation showing surprise at a celebrity's continued existence. This comment will lead to said celebrity's death within a week. A verbal death arrow will never miss entirely. Sometimes a celebrity will survive the arrow sustaining only injury or illness. While other times the arrow will miss and strike an unsuspecting celebrity.
2. A similar comment made about a celebrity couple's continued relationship which will inevitably lead to their separation.
1a. I can't believe (celebrity's name) is still alive.
1b. Chrissy launched the verbal death arrow at him.
2. They're still together after 10 years, amazing.
1. When someone waits for their chance to talk about themselves.
2. When someone takes a conversation in a different direction so they can talk about themselves.
3. When someone takes a conversation backwards so they can add something else about themselves.
Interesting story bro. It reminds me of the time when I did something similar. If I didn't do it I know someone that did it or did something similar probably better than you or whoever you're talking about. No that was not interesting and you may want to go to a Dr. and get checked for narcissistic verbal diarrhea before someone gives you a Wichita Barn Burner with a side of Duck Butter.
when someone engages you or a group in conversation that consists of them telling you repeatedly on how to do your job, what a great job that you are doing or they heap unnecessary/over exaggerated praise all the while maintaining a air of superiority over you or the group they are addressing.
as we labored in the hot afternoon sun, Dean stood a few hundred meters away on a small knoll.
His arms across his chest he surveyed us as we worked, watching each man doing his assigned task under the watchful eye of the owner.
The air of self importance permeated from Dean, he was after all...all that and a bag of chips
With little thought to our schedule Dean stopped us from our respective duty's to have a meeting.
During the course of this meeting we were informed that indeed we were doing our jobs correctly, that together we can get this done and how appreciative he was of all our hard work and talked of spending time on his speed boat with some of us if we could just work a little harder to ensure we were done by weeks end.
Ah the proverbial carrot had been dangled, time on the weekend with the boss on his boat....
Alas all I could say after Dean left was "well boys, that was your verbal circle jerk for the day, I guess if we work any harder then we have we get to hang out with that douchbag on the weekend..any takers?"
We went back to work and took it down a notch after that, after all is was a hot summers day.