Brad's girl is Lauren, the prettiest girl to ever exist!
Lauren belongs all to Brad and only him
"who's brad's girl?"
"Lauren is"
The FitMC Definition, Adolf Hitler
Saying “Hitler” is bad so i’m replacing it with “Brad Pitt”
A fucking legend and knows how to actually fix cars unlike every fucker in the world
Your such a Brad Newsham
The god and source of all thicc calves in the state of Texas.
Thank you, Brad Toth, for my sexy sexy calves.
When playing golf and you hit an errant shot, but somehow you get lucky and the ball ends up just fine, and you salvage a par or better.
Riley's ball took a Brad's Bounce when the ball hit the tree and landed on the green for an easy birdie.
an urban-fashioned young gentleman who makes a brief appearance at a party. usually he wears glasses and has a "ball cap" on sideways with hoodie and necklace.
Beth: "did you see that hottie's clothes? He had on glasses and a hat!"
Tina: "for realz, yo! He was hella brooklyn brad"