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baked burrito

an overtanned mexican

eww, that bitch is a baked burrito

by wtfwhy May 4, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

chicken bake

A baguette-shaped "burrito" rolled with pizza dough consisting of chicken, mozzarella, bacon bits, caeser dressing, and parmesan cheese on top. It used to have green onion, but never returned after the recall a few years back. Usually requested by hispanics and young men trying to bulk up.

The chicken bake is an item from the Costco pizza kitchen. Also referred to as a "bake" or a chicken bacon.

"Hi. what can I get for you?"
"A chicken bake with a side of dressing."


"We need more bakes up front."

by nofriends420 May 8, 2009

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pasta bake

Quite simply, a variation of rhyming slang for "masturbate"

Sometimes useful as a stealth word, as most people (especially the older generation) have no idea what you're on about.

"Hey Dave, lets go get drunk"
"Gimme 5 dude, I'm just whipping up an extra creamy pasta bake"

by Andy R December 21, 2006

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Baked Beans

A can of beans which are soaked in tomatoe sauce for your eating pleasure

person1: are you a baked beans or spagetti person?
person2: Oh man definatly spagetti
Person1: Ewh get on the spagetti lovers side

by jonah takalau April 10, 2008

22๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


to have so much dough(money) that it needs to be baked.

teen#1 maaaaaaaaan i seen a 50 cent vid and this guy had so much dough that it was baked.

teen#2ikr man i wish i could have that

by BBB100 May 18, 2011

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G Bake

A good friend who enjoys to get baked (stoned,high) with you and or mutual friends.

Your going to meet up with a friend and you know your going to shout him/her a joint so you would greet them with "whats up G Bake"?

by skate-baker-for-life-91 January 11, 2011

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Flake & Bake

Smoking marijuana during a snowstorm

Bro, were getting 12 inches tonight, come over and lets flake & bake.

by TURTSQIK February 25, 2010

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