Source Code

Don't worry about it!

A term used to defend why you choked your girl friend. Can be applied to any situation in which you would rather not answer questions. Works to your advantage because people who asked you the question don't even realize you avoided answering the question. For best results use while wearing a tophat

Mott: Hey Devon where were you last week?
Devon: Don't worry about it!
Mott: Wow I can't believe the rumors that you strangled your girlfriend are false.

by Pat556 November 4, 2016

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what about tonight

Australian boy band

what about tonight are the most talented boy band in the world they have four members in it Wade,Tyrone,Brock,Luke. unlike other celebrities W.A.T are always there for their fans and their fans mean the world to them

by tonighter_unicorn September 18, 2013

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Shame About The Face

Ugly face

Last night I was out with my father. A woman walked by, she has a hot body, but one hell of an ugly face. My father stopped and stared for a minute, and then said to me: nice legs, Shame About The Face!'"

by TheCraw2 October 12, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

About A Week Ago

1. The approximate length in time necessary for an individual to acknowledge/realize a specific activity or event before all persons within hearing proximity repeat the phrase and spontaneously break into "shmoney" aka the "shmoney dance" (varying levels of proficiency in the shmoney dance result in ~90% failure rate/looking like a scrub). Not recommended for those of European descent (honkeys).
2. A period in time (about a week ago) when Mitch dropped a body.

Hingle: My grandma died recently...
McCringleberry: Oh wow I'm so sorry when did she pass?
Hingle: About a week ago...

McCringleberry: What?

Hingle and McCringleberry: ABOUT A WEEK AGO *break into shmoney*

by HADOZEN December 22, 2015

10๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

all about the beave

A person who's primary goal in life, is to have as much sex with the female gender, as humanly possible. Perpetually unattached romantically, they care nothing for the notion of descretion. Completely uninhibited in their behaviour, they will fornicate anywhere, with anyone, at anytime. Often are either revered, or despised for their qualities.

"He's a nice guy. But don't expect any type of relationship from him. Because he's all about the beave."

by D. Gould February 19, 2006

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arse about face

Phrs. Back to front. British origin.

"The whole bloody Tori Party is completely arse about face!"

by Alex Quantashassle April 11, 2005

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sounds about white

A phrase used when someone does something that is very white (typical to something a classic white person would do).

Based off of the phrase, sounds about right.

*plane lands*
White person: *claps hands*
Literally everyone else: sounds about white.

by must_ November 28, 2019

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