Source Code

the forbidden predominant space time continuum bending, soul snatching, reality distorting, quintuple ultra seal vacuum, Gwak gwak twister gobble double bubble blowie combo wombo beyond infinity procedure.

the forbidden predominant space time continuum bending, soul snatching, reality distorting, quintuple ultra seal vacuum, Gwak gwak twister gobble double bubble blowie combo wombo beyond infinity procedure.

is simply destruction

Some slut: I will now preform the forbidden predominant space time continuum bending, soul snatching, reality distorting, quintuple ultra seal vacuum, Gwak gwak twister gobble double bubble blowie combo wombo beyond infinity procedure.

Everything: Dead

by RickyBobTosun May 5, 2021

54👍 3👎

The Bends

When you gotta poop so bad but are nowhere near a toilet and your body starts that up and down motion and weird bent over walk while looking for a bathroom to explode on!

I was at the mall after eating T-Bell and that shit gives me the bends. Took me 15 minutes to find a bathroom. I know I left marks in my boxers.

by Tony T-Bag January 26, 2023

The Bends

When you are swimming along and come to the surface to shallow waters and get sick sick

Man, that meeting was horrible on Friday. Gave me the bends after. I was crying in bed half the evening.

by Gina85 January 15, 2022

gummy bend

When youre humping a girl fast and it slips out and you hit her gooch.

Dude i was pumping so fast i slipped out and got a gummy bend.

by Lisaannsbum November 9, 2021

bending sword

When your boner is in someone's back but not tucked up so it is therefore bending your sword.

we were laying in bed and I was so horny I was bending sword for her

by So_u_think_u_can_stance January 23, 2021

power bend

When the Penis is so erect it bends under its own massive force.

"That chick gave me a total "power bend."

by GratBOYmattBOY April 23, 2015

I can bend daddy

I can bend daddy means you can bend daddy

A:Can you bend daddy?
B:Of course I can bend daddy!
A:then show me you can bend daddy
B:*bends daddy*

by Luluuuuuuuu November 10, 2022