Source Code

Camp Billings

The best place in the world. Heaven on Earth. Located on Lake Fairlee, in the beautiful state of Vermont.

Camp Billings is my favorite place in the entire world.

by Lindsay November 1, 2003

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sleepaway camp

a place where (mostly) privileged kids go to escape from their annoying parents. they basically go crazy, hide from/purposely disrespect annoying counselors, hook up, and skip the activities that their parents are actually paying for them to be at all summer. throughout the summer, about 20 campers and 4 counselors are forced to live in a confined, un-air conditioned, dirty bunk with only 2 showers, 2 sinks, and 2 toilets (that clog extremely easily). the bunkmates are usually extremely close best friends, or atl east people who attempt to semi tollerate each other's shit for 2 months. if the camp is religious, usually none of the kids/teens take part in services...besides to socialize with the boys. the counselors get drunk and hook up on their nights away from their campers, but tell them they just "go out for pizza" or "do laundry"... yeah, OKAYYY.

Rachel: Where did you first hook up?
Hannah: Sleepaway camp ...duh!

Olivia: Do you wanna go to any actual activities today?
Samantha: Obviously not... this is sleepaway camp!

by 5444444eva September 4, 2011

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Camp Tulahead

1. A really great place where someone can make friends and have a really good time.
2. A place where you can be yourself and worship God at the same time.
3. The best place to be during the summer.

Jim: Hey, what are you doing this summer?
John: I'm working up at Camp Tulahead.
Jim: Ah man! I'm so jealous. I love that place!

by dooodle May 3, 2009

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tamp camp

when a girl needs to use the restroom to change a tampon

"shes been in the restroom a while, i bet shes going number 2"
"nah, she had to go to tamp camp"

by K Easy December 31, 2007

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Camping World

An undeniably perfect place to have sex.

What'd you do this weekend?
Went to Camping World with this babe.

by Kellie Jacobson May 15, 2005

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camp matoaka

the best camp in the whole entire world. if you go there then you have had the most amazing summers of your life and if you dont then you are a loser. it is the home of some of the most amazing japs in the universe. it is for rich people. but even though the people are jappy and stuff they are the most amazing people in the world who go the most amazing camp in the universe

"MATOAKA IS THE BEST THING ON THE PLANET. FUCK YOU VEGA GIRLS. psh, with out pink cabins, we rock!"
"you dont go to camp matoaka?! haha. loser"

by camp matoaka October 22, 2007

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stealth camping

The art of sleeping in your vehicle without being detected by authorities.

My VW camper bus is great for stealth camping... I can camp wherever I want for free.

by Swiftriver October 4, 2009

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