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hand cart load

A phrase used to describe a huge poo

I've just dropped hand cart load

by jim2233 July 31, 2009

Cart Racing

At the end of a nitrous binge, you know in your fucking haze you did not do at least 1 or 2, so everybody starts digging through carts looking for a sealed one.

Man did you see those wooks fucking cart racing?

by Punky Wookster January 17, 2020

Shell cart

Dirty smackhead who steals from old ladies and free giving pages to buy heroin and crack

Have you seen that dirty smackhead shell cart on Facebook?

by Salam alakum October 20, 2022

cart cast

When a cart shatters, one usually assembles a cart cast; a rapidly built patching/splint built around said cart made of mostly tape, glue, and precision. It keeps the cart intact, upright, and in most cases, working.

A: yo, sorry I dropped your cart yesterday.

B: no worries, I made a cart cast so it’s still hitting.

by Dedede September 7, 2020


1. a shopping cart full of glasses
2. when you go on a shopping spree to Specsavers

1. oh my that is a glasses-cart
2. I went for a glasses-cart today

by whoophey December 31, 2019

gar cart

When drunk or high, deciding to go go carting.

Gar Carter 1: dooooooooooooood...
Gar carter 2: ...what?
Gar carter 1: Let's go gar carting
Gar carter 2: ...awesome

by me 26 August 26, 2007

cart goblined

(verb) The past tense act of a mythical goblin having stolen the content(s) of your shopping cart during online checkout, leaving you empty handed.

I was in the middle of checkout, but I got cart goblined!

by MrGrimmace February 10, 2021