Lost a charm means that someone says something that they shouldn’t have. If someone swears/gossips/is rude or inappropriate then they “lost a charm.” It comes from the traditional charm bracelet when parents/guardians gave their kids charms when they were good and took them away when they were bad.
Aubrey: *******
Zach: Dang, she just lost a charm.
“Lost a charm” means someone says something they shouldn’t have. If someone swears/gossips/is rude or inappropriate then they “lost a charm.” It originates from the traditional charm bracelet with the idea that parents/guardians reward their children for being good by giving them charms and punishing them by taking them away.
Aubrey: ********
Zach: Dang, Aubrey lost a charm there.
A person that has hopelessly fallen in love with an eggie.
It took me a while to realize that I had already been egg-charmed by her.
A masterclass wingman. Every player's four-leaf clover.
Andy: Actually, on night's out I get quite far with Martin around.
Martin: Yeah, we *do good*
Andy: Exactly, you're my fuck luck charm. :D
Gas charming a person that uses their charm with words to get what they want.
They were gas charming in hopes of winning love.
A really funny youtuber.He has over 900,000 subs,and has glasses.He post's gaming content,reactions to sml,and etc
Prince Charming(Youtuber)playing minecraft story mode 2:”Petra!You mean nothing to me!”
Also prince:Trying to make a diss on her.
Me:Laughing my ass off.