One you commit your pawn to c4, it weakens d4 because, well pawns can't go backward
I don't need to commit to women. You don't have the right to try and clamp down on my life to make a point about how men should have to commit to women. The fat cocks AREN'T committing to women and other men are raising their kids and feeding them with their taxes. You are fucking garbage and your slut daughter got her pussy-hole stretched by every fat-cock she interacted with and now you're trying to take it out on me.
Hym "Yeah, no, you aren't going to use me to make a point about how men need to commit to women. You'll pay for everything you used and if you don't you kids will die for it. You tried to cock block someone using his parent's emotional abuse. He threatened your kids over it. You used the threat as post hoc justification. I spoke out about it in a way you didn't like. You're trying to force me into compliance and make an example out of me. I won't allow it. I can and will guarantee that you some of your kids will die for it."
To terminate ones employment on a whim either by a single action or statement
I was sick of the place so decided to commit jobacide and told my boss to chase them selves
Commit Shaming is when a person called Marcel, shames a person called Tim, because the size and amount of commits do not match the work done.
Marcel: Why the fuck did you commit only the title??
Tim: I thought we had to commit more?
Marcel: Yes but not stupid commits like this!!
Marcel has used Commit Shaming, which was very effective.
To ignite your lightsaber backwards
Bro, don't commit an oof
Opening a bag of chips when you’re home alone
Me: *just got home. Sees bag of chips on counter . Checks if anyone are home.*
God: This is your chance.
Me: This is a commitment.