A disposable vape that doesn't contain nic, thc, or anything to get you high.
"Bro I got a battle pass!"
"Oh yeah? What kind?"
"Common Battle pass"
when a group of friends spend some of their most memorable moments in the common room of a high school dorm
The common room dorks of the Nathan Hale Dorm at Phillips Academy Andover grew a great friendship that will last a lifetime in the summer of 2011
An excuse used by online gaming cheaters to get away with suspicous pre-firing
Besides it being a common prefire spot, I don't know why he would shoot that!
A female student who sleeps with a female teacher to get an A. In the United States.
Man! I really need to get A in this class. I really wish I was a Common Core Lesbian!
The ultimate form of an L. Is usually used by someone with a high level of brain rot.
You couldn't clutch the game? Common Mack L.
A decision based on those making the most noise over a certain issue.
"Did you order the veggie pizza I wanted?"
"Nope, sausage. I had to go with the Loudest Common Denominator."
A test.... a CAT... death of you
i have a CAT while im writing this
common assesment tasks boring