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digital courage

The courage a man gets to strike up a forward conversation with a woman or the courage to hit on her--attained only through being able to sit behind a computer screen.

Digital courage is also developed when a man is attempting to converse with a woman that he knows is more likely to respond because they are on the same let's-hookup-and-fuck site.

Similar to liquid courage, women are also subject to digital courage.

Five-foot Phil normally didn't hit on women in public. However, digital courage made him hit on every woman in the chat room as if he were a six-foot black man.

Those using digital courage to hit on women may use crude and forward pickup lines such as:

"Lookin sexy ;) what are you doin tonight?"

"It seems I live up the road from you, you should come to my room ;)"

"Damn baby you got too much ass for your own good. Wanna come over and share it with me?"

"I'm here... and you're here... so that means we both just wanna fuck. What'dya say?"

by TeeMarie March 12, 2010

8πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

digital photography

The future. Get over it. Remember, a digital SLR is essentially a 35mm camera; you still have to know the basics in order to use it. Taking great pictures is not a matter of using or not using photoshop, it's having the eye. Great pictures come from the soul, not the equipment. Film is gone, nothing lasts forever, but the spirit of photography remains.

My D70s and the D3 I will soon own make everything clear through the 50mm lens. Digital photography is the greatest thing to ever happen to photojournalism.

by Cakeeye September 22, 2007

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Digital penetration

When you shove an iPhone up someone’s asshole or pussy

Person: Yeah I performed digital penetration with Karla’s ass last nite it was sexy af

by Dubiks December 16, 2018

48πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

Digital Herpes

Herpes like sores that show up after jerking off to digital images so so much that your penis's skin gets something like a rug burn and might bleed a little. It happens when you jerk off too much and don't use lube.

Dude, I was up till four last night watching internet porno and when I woke up to take a shower I had digital herpes all over the side of my cock.

by Michael Goodrich March 12, 2007

23πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Digital Penetration

A more advanced way of saying "hacking"

CNN Live: There has been recent digital penetration on our government

by DeathToRundlett June 23, 2017

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Beefy Digits

When you go out with a girl and proceed to feel her up and your hand gets caught in her fupa chalupa. You then must kick her in the Camel Toe to release your fingers, and for good measure you bite her truck stop pancakes.

After Cooter’s date with Sharon Jean, he hauled ass out of the back seat of her El Camino and told his friends to smell his beefy digits.

by Beef Master Funk November 2, 2010

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

extract digit

A more polite way to say pull your finger out.

On the 3rd of May 1945, Allied forces, including the Indian 26th Division and a Gurkha parachute battalion, retook Rangoon from the Japanese ("Opration Dracula"), effectively ending #WW2 in Burma. Over Insein prison, planes spotted these messages by UK POWs ready for liberation: "Japs gone. Extract digit."

by Danack May 3, 2020

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