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When you say something funny at the expense of women. Even though we totally gave them the right to vote.

Audrey:i'm the woman here, i'm always right.
Sam:thats why we have a woman president....every 4 years.....OH WAITTTTT
Uh-huh. And *THIS*

is why we have a man president every year because of the sexism and how it's destroyed the beauty of the female gender.

by Baron_Von_Bullshit June 11, 2010

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The absolutely inane idea that gender should *not* be a determining factor in allocating rights, responsibilities, or basic human decency to one another. It is so named not because its proponents believe women to be superior to men and non-binary persons---which certain websites might lead you to believe---but because their goal is to leave men at their existing social level, and elevate women to the same level.

Louder for the people in the back: Feminism wants to leave men WHERE THEY ARE and bring women UP TO THAT LEVEL TOO.

Sam: Dude, have you heard about feminism?
Bill: Yeah, I read about it on urban dictionary. It's terrible, isn't it?
Sam: ...
Bill: ...
Sam: ...
Bill: I'm an egali-

by DefinitelyNotWaluigi June 2, 2019

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The long running joke by John Oliver, creator of Last Week Tonight, a comedy news show on HBO. To set up the joke, he talks about a stereotypical man's job or position. Then he finally reveals that he was talking about a female. He continues to judge the viewer for their closed-mindedness before stating a hashtag relating to what he was talking about originally and #Feminism

Oh, you thought that was a male doctor? Fuck you, its 2017, #Feminism

by DrunkRussian23 June 3, 2017

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It is a woman who wants to be equal to men. It is not a woman who disrespects a mans gender but simply wants to be herd. A woman who wants to have their independence from a man and wants other women to do the same, it is a way to empower most women who have been disrespected by a man cause of their gender. It is someone who stands out and say i will be independent and i do not need a man to do everything for me cause i am powerful.

I support feminism because it is a good cause .

by Twanfendi March 14, 2020

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Often a woman (sometimes a man) the advocates for woman's rights. Some are people who think their a feminist and believe in equality but those people are not feminist's the are people who want equality. feminism is for woman's rights only they want to get rid of the (non existent) wage gap. Most of their claims have been proven false by people who are actually qualified to do so. the EXTREME feminism is where they literally hate men. ( and normal feminists know this, and cannot deny it) though this has ruined feminism (by their own fault) but when the extreme feminists talk to people in actual need, like in the middle east they are VERY condescending; "figure out how not to be raped yourself! we deal with are own problems here in the west!" When a decent person would actually try yo resolve the problem.

(by the way no offense to any feminists but if you are like how I described an extreme feminist then you can go drink a nice glass of water and look at how men see it alright? Okay thank you...)

normal human: " Yeah I like the thought of equality."

feminist: "I mean I'm the same way. equality should just be... well there."


normal human: " Well then..."

feminism: "a group of woman advocating for WOMAN's rights."

by IThinkHesSmart? October 24, 2017

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there are 2 types of feminists.

1.) the type that gets offended over everything and is essentially being sexist against males

2.) the type that just wants equality. They just want people to know that girls donโ€™t always have to be helpless little bitches

โ€ขfeminism โ€ข

Type 1: โ€œall guys are rapistsโ€

Type 2: sally didnโ€™t ask tod (her bf) to open the jar because she knew she could do it herself and she knew she wasnโ€™t a helpless little bitch

by lululem0njuice April 19, 2019

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Joe: So Jane, tell me about Feminism.
Jane: Shut up!
Joe: No seriously, I'm interested.
Jane: Shut up! We don't need you, your just a man. A stupid male chovunist pig!!
Joe: O Jane, I can assure you ...
Jane: *Chokes Joe to death and cuts off his penis*

by December 18, 2020

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